By Josefa Uluilakeba
RURAL Community access road remains a top priority for Government and in this day and age, accessibility is synonymous with development and fostering advancement in healthcare and education.
For two communities in the province of Macuata and one in Bua, the construction and upgrade of their road have brought about many growth opportunities.
The village of Nadrano, in the district of Dreketi, sits on a valley beside the Dreketi river and ever since anyone can remember, their only access to Government services, education and commercial centres was via track, frequented by horses and men alike.
This was even though a road connecting three other villages upriver, runs about half a kilometre from their village.
The Nadrano Access Road was one of three funded by the Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development during the 2023-2024 financial period.
The other two are the Nukudamu settlement access road in Lekutu, Bua and the Vunikawakawa Access road in Wailevu, Macuata.
With a total length of 6.2 kilometres, the three access road projects cost Government $ 123,176.21 compared to a projected budget of $ 129,000.
Close to 900 people are benefitting from the three projects in the last financial year.
Vunikawakawa villager, Paulini Lupe, praised the upgrade on the village access road stating that hardships faced over the years are now a thing of the past.
“Prime Minister Hon Sitiveni Rabuka visited the village last year and promised us the access road upgrade which was in a poor state back then,” Ms Lupe said.
“Now that our road has been improved, buses have started servicing our village and we thank Coalition Government for the tremendous effort that has benefitted our village and more importantly our children.”
Echoing the similar sentiments was Nadrano Village headman, Vilikesa Kaidawa, said persistence communicating with Government officials was the key to the construction of their new road.
“For years we have cried for a new road and the Coalition Government has finally heard our plea,” Mr Kaidawa said.
“We have knocked on many doors, even pleading with the previous administration but this Government heard us and now we are enjoying the benefits our new road has provided us.”