
Cabinet has approved the review of speed limits on Fiji’s roads.

The review will investigate opportunities to simplify speed limits on the road network, provide more consistency in the application of the speed zoning guidelines and assist road users to comply with speed limits.

Cabinet based its decision on a submission by the Minister for Works, Transport and Public Utilities, Captain (N) Timoci Lesi Natuva.

The Minister said that currently, Fiji’s speed limits vary from 20-30kmphr for some schools and industrial areas, 50kmphr within town, city and densely populated areas, while 80kmphr is our national maximum speed limit.

He said that the road upgrading, influx of high powered sophisticated vehicles, as well as the demographic shift in Fiji’s population from rural to urban have all contributed to the need to review the current speed limits.

The Minister said that widespread consultations with members of the public and targeted stakeholders shall be undertaken during the review process.

He further said that the management of the review will be spearheaded by the LTA in consultation with Fiji Roads Authority (FRA), Fiji Police Force and the Solicitor-General’s Office.

The outcomes of the review shall be brought back to Cabinet for its approval.