Prime Minister Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka has today reaffirmed that the Coalition Government remains intact, solid and committed to serving the nation.
He made this statement after meeting with the two Deputy Prime Ministers Hon. Biman Prasad and Hon. Viliame Gavoka.
"I acknowledge that the past week has been a test of our collective resolve as a Coalition, stemming from the determination of Parliamentary Emoluments on 24th May 2024."
"I humbly admit that this matter could have been better handled, with more wisdom as is expected of elected representatives. On behalf of the Coalition Government, I apologize deeply to the people of Fiji, that we fell short here."
"We would like to assure the nation that we are listening to you and working together to address concerns raised. I will be addressing the nation sometime in the near future on the best way forward in addressing issues raised."
"After having a discussion this morning with our Coalition Partner Leaders, we agree that we take full responsibility and reinforce our pledge to upholding the Coalition Agreement of December 2022."
The Prime Minister said that this has been a necessary moment of deep reflection all around, and a time for reinvigorated leadership and vigour to achieve what the voters have sent them to Parliament to do.
"As a grandfather and father, I know that in every family, misunderstandings and differences of opinion can arise, but at the end of the day, family remains family. The Coalition Government is no different, and all we need to do better is to find and make time to have better dialogue and the space for understanding and compromises. The people of Fiji expect no less."