
De-silting works along the Nakauvadra river in Rakiraki have commenced, helping minimize flooding along in the Rakiraki town and at neighboring communities.
Minister for Agriculture, Waterways and Environment Hon. Dr. Mahendra Reddy commissioned the works at the Nakauvadra river in Rakiraki yesterday.
Minister Reddy noted the major de-silting works done by the Ministry of Waterways would benefit the whole of Rakiraki town including communities, and farmers who also earn a living along the river bank.
The Minister noted that the emergency de-silting work would ease the water flow of the river and its adjacent creeks during the heavy down-pour.
The Minister stressed the important role of the public role in helping to maintain creeks and drains by refraining from disposing of rubbish and household goods in waterways which significantly contributed towards flooding.
“We will continue to provide services within our mandate to ensure that Fijians are safe from flooding and waterways are clear for the free flow of water during heavy down-pour.
“While an enormous amount of drainage works has been done by the Ministry, we still find these drainage systems are not well maintained once cleared and are often filled with white goods, tires, household rubbish, motor vehicle parts, which block the drains causing floods during heavy rainfall,” the Minister said.
The Minister noted that his Ministry will continue to be vigilant in clearing the waterways so that it can have the capacity to discharge water to its full capacity and thus the adjacent infrastructure and communities are not affected negatively.
The de-silting works will be carried out from the Rakiraki Market towards the mouth of the Penang River and would be referred to as the 3rd Phase of Nakauvadra River Channel Improvements Works. The de-silting will comprise of the removal of rubbish, excessive silts, and sediments, cleaning, and disposal of debris and dead tree trunks.
Minister Reddy also handed over the river bank protection work to the Rakiraki Municipal Council that will not only address bank erosion but will also safeguard the neighboring buildings from further infrastructural damages and will enhance development in Rakiraki Town.
He noted that the Ministry of Waterways has assisted the Town Council by providing a grant to undertake the works as well as materials that were used for the completion of the works.
Meanwhile, the Rakiraki and Tavua Town Council Special Administrator Mr. Mark Hirst Tuilau said this work will further boost the businesses in the Rakiraki town who are often affected by flooding.
He acknowledged the work done by the Ministry of Waterways that will mitigate flooding in the Rakiraki town.