Education ministry thanks all its stakeholders


The Education Ministry fully recognises its partnership with all its stakeholders- school committees and managements, donor agencies, statutory bodies, non-government organisations, parents and guardians and teachers.

As we come to the last day of school today, Friday, December 4th, the Ministry takes this opportunity to extend its most humble and sincere gratitude to all its stakeholders for all the great initiatives and work put in towards the betterment of education for our children.

Vinaka vakalevu, dhanyavaad and thank you for the support rendered during the year, especially those special moments in which you tirelessly worked to ensure the smooth flow of operations in school and the attainment of positive results.

Ministry initiatives and major reforms could not have been better implemented without your collective support.

The Ministry fully understands the difficulties faced by segments of society, thus major education reforms were implemented to restore hope and faith in an education system that cares and caters for our communities.

In retrospect, with the major reforms in education such as the provision of tuition fee free grants, free bus fares and the latest one is the provision of free textbooks, the Ministry is thankful that these have been well-received by stakeholders.

Letters and telephone calls have been received from parents, schools and organisations, in acknowledgement of these generous forms of assistance.

The Ministry hopes that all stakeholders will continue their unwavering support towards education for a better future for our children.