Education review submissions extended


The Ministry of Education has completed its first round of consultations on the review of the Education Act.

Officers covered the Western, Central, Northern and Eastern divisions in three weeks discussing the Act and receiving submissions from parents, individuals, NGOs, teachers and even students.

However, the Ministry is extending the submission date to 31st October to allow more time to those who missed the first round of consultations.

Issues, which the Ministry invites stakeholders to comment and give their views on include the following:

- compulsory education
- fees and levies
- management of schools
- absenteeism
- rights of the parents and students
- rights of school management
- disciplinary procedures
- examinations & assessments;
religious education
communities and health & safety.

The present Act does not address some of the mentioned issues while others need amendment.

The Ministry of Education is encouraging the public and education stakeholders to take advantage of this opportunity as this would pave the way for a revised Education Act to cater for the education of our children in the years to come.

All submissions are to be addressed to:

The Secretariat,
Education Act Review,
Ministry of Education,
Marela House,

Filipe Bole
Minister for Education, National Heritage, Culture and Arts, Youth and Sports, Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment.