
Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation, Rosy Akbar stated that the Fijian Government has cemented its commitment to child protection by not only ratifying the convention on the right of the child, but by also ensuring we have in place the legislative tools to safeguard our children.

“The Fijian Government has allocated $100,000 on the 2022-2023 Budget Allocation to kick start the establishment process for the Department of Children. This Department will specialise in delivering services that are in line with legislative commitments and will strengthen child protection and child welfare services across the country,” she said.

Minister Akbar said the 2013 Fijian Constitution guarantees Fijian children the right to be protected from all forms of violence, abuse neglect, and exploitation, under Article 41 (1)(d). Therefore, to be safe and protected is not only a child’s human right, but also a Constitutional right that we have the responsibility of upholding.

“The Government is committed to ensure that our Fijian children get the care and love they deserve”.

“The Ministry also chairs the National Coordinating Committee for Children which is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) into Fiji’s legislations and procedures and its role extends to providing advice, regulating and monitoring the protection and welfare of children in Fiji,” she explained.

Minister Akbar added that to help children access immediate help in situations of abuse and neglect, the Fijian Government funds the toll free, national child helpline #1325 which is staffed by professional counsellors.

“Administered by Medical Services Pacific and working closely with our Child Services Unit, this service was established, not only able to receive reports of child abuse, but to ensure children at risk are able get to safety, under the national referral system when they need. The Child Helpline allows children and parents to seek counselling or simply talk to a trusted professional about their challenges. Investing in the empowerment of all children is investing in the future because our children are our future”.

Minister Akbar ended by saying that “Every child deserves a bright future and the Fijian Government is committed to invest in the well-being of all Fijian children”.