Years of suffering has come to an end for residents of Balabala in Dreketi after the construction of a first ever proper crossing for their community last month.
A resident of Balabala, Mahesh Kumar said the new crossing was a relief to them as they would now have access to transport.
“This new initiative will allow vehicles to access their community for the first time ever since our ancestors settled in the area,” the 59-year-old said.
“Prior to this we had to use a tree trunk to help us cross over to the other side, and this would be very difficult during an emergency in the rainy season when transporting cases to the nearby health centre.” Minister for Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development, Waterways and Environment, Dr Mahendra Reddy, speaking during the commissioning, said this initiative would boost their agricultural return as it would help in the transporting of one of their major produce which was rice. He said the ministry will also help construct their farm road in this regard.
Minister Reddy said the help rendered would help connect them to the main road and the market. This was a community project where they collected $5,000 for the construction of the crossing and the assistance of the Ministry was in the form of building materials.
“We can have a major boost in the area which was previously disconnected from the highway so it now gives them access to the market,” Minister Reddy said. A total of 15 households have benefitted from this structure.