Like any other country around the world, Fiji is taking bold strides to reverse the depletion of its healthy oceans and for that the Fijian Government is committing 100 percent sustainable management of Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
Thirty per cent of its EEZ will be declared as marine protected areas by 2030.
This was the message conveyed by Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama as he delivered Fiji’s statement at the 76th United Nations General Assembly meeting virtually recently.
“We are expanding investments in sustainable aquaculture, seaweed farming, and high-value processed fish. But we cannot do this alone. We look to the global system to stop illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.
“We look to Member States to agree to a new treaty to preserve marine in waters beyond national jurisdictions. We need global greenhouse gas emissions to fall dramatically and quickly. At COP26, we expect the oceans pathway will be locked into the UNFCCC processes. Fiji seeks a decision in “one slash COP 26” reflecting this change.”
Prime Minister Bainimarama stated for the Pacific, the mission is clear: we must keep the 1.5 target alive.
“This demands drastic emissions cuts by 2030 that put large nations on a path towards net-zero emissions before 2050. Leaders who cannot summon the courage to unveil these commitments and policy packages at COP26 should not bother booking a flight to Glasgow. Instead, they and the selfish interests they stand for should face consequences that match the severity of what they are unleashing on our planet.”
At COP26, Prime Minister Bainimarama said, the global north must finally deliver on $100 billion per year in climate finance and agree to a pathway to increase financing commitments to at least $750bn per year from 2025 forward.
The Fijian Head of Government adds that if world leaders can spend trillions on missiles, drones, and submarines, they can fund climate action.
“It is criminal that vulnerable Pacific Small Island Developing States can access a mere .05 per cent of the climate finance currently available to protect ourselves from an existential crisis we did not cause.”
Prime Minister Bainimarama said this was the challenge being faced- whether at the UNGA or the COP26.