Ministry of education represented at international seminar


The Permanent Secretary for Education, Mr Filipe Jitoko is attending a four-day International Seminar in Shanghai, China.

The theme of the seminar is “Successful Education Systems for a Changing World: Monitoring and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Education Systems” .

The focus is on Monitoring and Evaluation experiences of a number of countries in the Asian region with particular emphasis on Basic Education.

Three broad themes of the seminar are:
-an analysis of constraints to the functioning of educational administrations and implications for capacity development.
-the use of traditional monitoring and evaluation strategies and tools
-innovative approaches to monitoring and evaluation of educational administration.

The seminar is an Asian Network of Training and Research Institutions in Educational Planning (ANTRIEP) Policy Seminar and is organized by the UNESCO International Institute of Educational Planning (IIEP) in Paris and the Shanghai Academy for Educational Sciences and hosted by Shanghai Normal University.

The seminar will be from the 16th - 19th September.

Mr Jitoko’s trip is funded by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning in Paris.

Filipe Bole
Minister for Education, National Heritage, Culture and Arts, Youth and Sports, Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment.