
At Good Friday, we honour the loving sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins. And on Easter Sunday we celebrate the miracle of his resurrection which, in the Christian faith, offers humanity the promise of eternal salvation.
The Easter story is one of redemption, of renewal, and of faith. In the midst of the coronavirus plague upon the world, it is a story that can light hope in the hearts of people from all faiths that the present darkness will give way to brighter days. And it is love ¬ like the love Jesus held for humanity – that will get us there.
While he walked among us, Jesus was a champion of those most vulnerable. At the close of a harsh cyclone season, with a global pandemic and economic crisis on our backs, we have a new and painful grasp of what vulnerability means.
This long weekend, let us be gracious and let us be generous with our friends, neighbours and fellow Fijians. Let us live out the lessons of Christ’s life and strive to meet his Holy example through the love we show those around us. Let that spirit of compassion and charity guide us through whatever awaits, whether it be adversity or joy.
And let it lead us to a shared recovery and a powerful journey as one nation and one people, guided by our values of love and unity, and comforted by our faith in a future that is better and safer, and that feels more familiar than life today; for us, and for our children and grandchildren.
I wish every Fijian a very happy Easter. God Bless you all.