
The Ministry for Lands and Mineral Resources (MLMR) is advising members of the public that the extraction of sand and gravel for personal or commercial use will require a licence which can be obtained through the three (3) Divisional Offices - Lands Lautoka Office at Tavewa Bldg, Lands Central Eastern Office at Gladstone Rd, Suva and Lands Labasa Office at Macuata House.

This follows an increase in illegal sand and gravel extraction since the first COVID-19 lockdown in April this year.

Under Section 2 of the State Lands Act 1945 and Section 2 of the Rivers and Streams Act 1880, the State (Government) owns all Foreshore, Rivers, Streams and the Waters of Fiji including the soil under the waters of Fiji. This also includes sand and gravel.

The necessary checklist for sand and gravel extraction license can be obtained from the MLMR divisional offices. Applications lodged by individuals should include the following:
Formal application letter
Locality diagram
Access agreement
Waiver of fishing rights form – to be issued by the Divisional office
Environment Impact Assessment (EIA)/ Environment Management Plan (EMP) – enquire with Department of Environment
EIA/EMP approval – issued by Department of Environment
Rock Test – to determine the quality of resource lab test
Tin letter.
Application lodged by Companies:
1. All documents from number 1 – 8
2. Company Registration Certificate
3. Certified Photo ID of Directors
4. Schedule of Director and Shareholders
Application lodged by Trust:
All documents from number 1 – 8
Registered Deed of Trust  - Registered under Deeds
Certified Photo ID of Trustees.
Anyone found carrying out either a small scale or commercial extraction of these resources from any of the public beaches, foreshore, rivers and streams without a valid sand and extraction license, is breaking the law and will be prosecuted accordingly.