Student transport providers receive first payment from education ministry


Student Transport Providers have received their first cheques last week and some received theirs this morning as payment for the Transport Assistance Coupons they received from students previous week.
While the majority of these providers are bus companies, the Ministry has also paid out a few carrier, mini bus and boat operators, who have all submitted their coupons to their respective District Education Offices.
The Ministry extends its heartfelt gratitude to all these transport providers for their quick response in submitting their coupons to the Education office. It has expedited the whole processing cycle.
So far, the exercise is beginning to roll; once these operators submit their coupons, their claims are processed immediately and they leave the office with their cheques. This is for schools in the Central Division.
For schools in the other Districts, bus companies submit their coupons to their respective District Education Office, who will then submit to Headquarters for payment.
The Ministry expects to round up its reconciliation for Week 1 of the assistance scheme this week to monitor trends in the disbursement and payment of coupons.
Minister for Education, National Heritage, Culture & Arts, Youth & Sports, Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Mr Filipe Bole.