
The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management in collaboration with the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service and Fiji Airways have launched the “TC Yasa Loloma Package” which provides a 30% discount for organisations, groups and individuals living abroad to send disaster relief items to Fiji with Fiji Airways.
The 30% discount on market cargo rates is applicable for consignment of relief items from Auckland, Sydney, and Los Angeles. The offer is valid until January 15, 2021 and is dependent on the availability of space on the flights.
The package complements the duty concession on disaster relief goods announced earlier by the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service.  The concession includes exemption from VAT, Fiscal Duty and Import Excise.

The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management is grateful to the Management teams of the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service and Fiji Airways for their commitment to reduce costs that will enable Fijians and friends of Fiji living abroad to send relief items.
There are two options of delivery offered as part of the Loloma Package. The first is for NDMO to receive and distribute the relief items on behalf of the sender. The second is for a NDMO certified donor in Fiji to receive and distribute the items.
More details and the online form for the Loloma Package are available on the NDMO website Queries can be sent to