Value your vernacular- Education Minister


Students must value their vernacular as this is one of the strongest form of one’s identity.

Vernacular is taught from Class 1 to Form 7 and for a student to master a second language, one must first of all master his or her own vernacular.

For instance, if one speaks and write using proper Fijian, that is, by closely paying attention to syntax (sentence structure) and semantics (meaning), then obviously, learning a second language would be much easier.

In a nutshell, if one knows how words and sentences are formed to make meaning in their vernacular, then this would be easily and equally translated in the acquisition of a second language.

While studies on Vernacular are offered at tertiary level, students are at liberty to choose their desired area of profession. However, the Ministry would like to see more students taking up the vernacular languages for this is one way of sustaining our national identity.

Filipe Bole
Minister for Education, National Heritage, Culture and Arts, Youth and Sports, Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment