
The Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation, Rosy Akbar today officiated at the Pinktober Awareness event at the Sai Sanjeevani Children's Heart Hospital in Nasese, Suva. 
While speaking at the event, Minister Akbar said, "I have only one question. Why do we hesitate so much to seek medical help when our bodies are giving us the signs? In considering this question, there are so many factors that we realise that are stopping women from getting the medical help they need". 
She emphasised that the Pinktober Awareness initiatives are a great platform but we must ensure to involve the men in the discussions. "It's important to involve the men because many a times they are the ones who have to provide the support to their wives or other women in their homes so that they are able to openly discuss what they are going through, and put their own health before everything else".
The Minister said that women are sometimes so engrossed in looking after their families that they don't pay attention to their own bodies and the result is that by the time they get medical attention, it is too late. "And it could be that they don't seek medical help because they know there will be no support", she said. 
She also stressed that all breast cancer awareness programmes  must reach everyone, especially those in the rural/maritime communities. 
"The rise in cases recorded in my understanding is a positive sign, it means the awareness is working and more women are going to the hospital when they are symptomatic. This is more reason to continue with awareness initiatives and target those we haven't reached yet. And this is exactly why my Ministry's REACH project will now ensure to incorporate breast cancer awareness and possibly service when they do outreach and that's a commitment we have made". 
On behalf of the Fijian Government, Minister Akbar thanked the Sai Prema Foundation Fiji for paying close attention to this need within the communities, for providing the health checkup and for their invaluable service in Fiji.
The Director of the Sai Sanjeevani Children’s Heart Hospital, Dr. Krupali Tappoo said the event is not a fundraiser but an awareness initiative. “We can collectively empower ourselves and become ambassadors to combat the battle against cancer in our homes, communities, cities, countries and the world. Sai Prema Foundation will continue to work hard to serve the people of Fiji and do all that can to serve and save lives.”
The Chief Executive Officer of Fiji Cancer Society, Belinda Chan acknowledged the support shown by Fiji Cancer Society in signing collaborative partnership agreement to work together on several projects and initiatives. “This week,  Sai Prema Foundation in conjunction with Fiji Cancer Society are conducting the cancer awareness workshop, breast cancer examinations as well as medical consultation at the Sanjeevani Medical Centre for women.”
Ms. Erica Fiji, a 44 year old breast cancer survivor thanked her family members for their full support when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. “I noticed a lump on my left breast, so I made the proactive decision to visit Dr. Krupali Tappoo. “I was diagnosed with breast cancer during the COVID19 pandemic. I encourage all women and girls to have their medical checkup regularly.”