
The Minister for Education, Honourable Aseri Radrodro;
Your Excellency’s, Members of the Diplomatic Corps;
The StudyHut Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Anmol Manhas;
Senior Management and College Staff of StudyHut;
Distinguished Guests;
Ladies and gentlemen;            
Youths and students.
Miau sa bula re!

I am honoured to address you at this opening of the StudyHut -Fiji Education Consultancy Office. Education is the foundation on which any prosperous future depends on.

Twenty years ago acquiring new skills and pursuing educational opportunities abroad required a lot of effort. Today’s ceremony is indicative that acquiring new skills and pursuing quality education abroad has been made accessible for all that are interested. Upskilling one’s trade, education, skill and know how not only expands our job prospects but also increases the potential for higher income for individuals.

In our fast-paced world, it is essential to continuously enhance our knowledge and capabilities in order to remain competitive and competent in the ever-evolving job market. An effective approach in achieving this upskilling, means to acquire newer skills or refining preexisting skills.

Technology has greatly expanded our access to education. As technology advances at a rapid pace, it is crucial to stay up to date with the latest tools, and methodologies to remain relevant in our respective fields.

Pursuing quality education abroad presents a wealth of opportunities for anyone seeking to expand their skills-set. When students study in foreign countries, they are exposed to diverse cultures, languages, and perspectives, which in turn broadens their respective comprehension and gain global competency.

International educational institutions often have state-of-the-art research facilities and cutting-edge technology, enabling students to gain hands-on experience that may not be readily available locally or in the Pacific.
Studying abroad provides a platform for students to network with professionals from around the world, creating pathways for future employment opportunities and collaborations. Additionally, it enhances language skills and fosters a global outlook, both of which are increasingly valuable in today's interconnected society.

It is equally important to acknowledge that pursuing quality education abroad is a significant financial investment and requires careful and intentional planning. Scholarships, grants, and other financial aid options exist abroad to help ease the burden of costs, on the same note students are encouraged to proactively seek out these opportunities from local organisations and institutions that can assist in funding students from Fiji who wish to study abroad – one of which is the Studyhut Fiji.

In conclusion, enhancing of skills and pursuing quality education abroad opens doors for extensive personal and professional growth. The onus is on the individual to seize these opportunities and invest in our respective future accordingly. To StudyHut and its partners, Vinaka Vakalevu for providing these opportunities for Fijians.

It is now my profound honour to declare StudyHut - Fiji Education Consultancy Office open. May God bless us all and May God bless Fiji! Vinaka Vakalevu!