
The FTU National President, Mr. Shashi Shandil
The General Secretary, Mr. Muniappa Goundar
The National and Branch Executives
Ministry of Education Officials
Delegates present for the Conference
Members of the Corporate Organisations
Ladies and Gentlemen
My homage and respect to the traditional custodians of the land on which we stand; Vua saka na Momo levu na Taukei Navo, i Valelevu i Nakauvadra, Dratabu, ena nomuni vanua saka vakaturaga e Nadi,
It is indeed heart-warming to be invited to officially open the 94th FTU Annual Conference. I am also humbled by the welcome ceremony accorded to me by the association since my return to office after 3 months.
This gathering by FTU not only represents congregation of educators, but a symposium of dedicated individuals committed to shaping the future of education in Fiji.
The theme for this year’s conference “Together Towards Tomorrow” conveys the commitment and collaborative efforts between the Ministry of Education and FTU, and it signifies a collective vision for the future of education, where teachers, administrators, policymakers, and other stakeholders work together to address challenges, implement effective practices, and ensure the success of students.

“Together towards Tomorrow.” is the opportunity and a platform for educators to collaborate, discuss innovative approaches, and inspire each other towards a future-focused education. With the rapid changes happening in our world, it is important for teachers to come together and equip ourselves with the necessary knowledge and skills to shape the future for the benefit of our students.
Since I took up office and have committed to improving education delivery through school visitations around the country from the remote schools in the interior of Naitasiri, Ba and Nadroga to the islands of Malolo and Kadavu, Moturiki and Ovalau, I have realised the disparity between resources in the rural and urban areas.
However, the remoteness and lack of facility or limited access to internet, has not deterred, most schools from achieving extremely well in the 2023 external examinations, for example the Eastern district/division had the highest percentage pass  rate at Year 8 level with 72% and 79% for Year 12 while Ba/Tavua district  had 94% pass in the Y13 level. This is a true reflection that teachers’ commitment towards all spheres of education from the sports fields to the examinations at the end of any academic year, is paramount and crucial. Indeed, teaching is a noble profession and I am reassured that teachers are the architects of all other professions. 

For these reasons, I remain committed as your Minister for Education and with the support of the Coalition government as the employer to improving teachers’ welfare, review and develop policies aligned to the Denarau Declaration, the overarching Policy framework of our education sector into the next decade along with the review of the current 1966 Education Act. These are the very reasons, I collaborate and encourage ‘talanoa’ with the biggest workforce unions, FTU & FTA to work with us but not against us.
Ladies and gentlemen, for our Fiji to progress collectively we need teachers in our classrooms to  impart knowledge; inspire, mentor, and instil values that go beyond textbooks so students are well equipped in the different walks of life.
Yet, the path of education is not without its challenges. In recent years, we've witnessed a rapidly changing landscape, characterized by technological advancements and evolving pedagogies.
As your employer, I ask for you to stand with the coalition government to adapt and embrace changes, to enhance the quality of education we deliver. Our ability to innovate and stay abreast of emerging trends will be pivotal in preparing our students for the demands of the 21st century. Your tireless efforts do not go unnoticed, and your impact reverberates far beyond the walls of our schools.
Amidst these challenges, however, lies an unparalleled opportunity for collaboration and collective action between the Ministry and The Fiji Teachers Union which serves as a foundation of solidarity under a common vision of excellence and equity in education.
Through our collective efforts, we can strengthen our voices, effect systemic change, and walk in a new era of educational prosperity for Fiji.
I am hopeful that the FTU members will continue this collaboration and partnership and render your support in our future endeavours. You are one of the key implementers of the changes that we want to effect in the government processes undertaken in our Ministry.
As you deliberate over the agenda items of this 94th Annual Conference, let us do so with a spirit of solidarity and purpose. Let us engage in meaningful discourse, share best practices, and chart a course that not only uplifts our profession but also elevates the educational experiences of our students.
I believe that this symposium will foster a sense of togetherness among educators and empower them to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. By sharing experiences, exchanging ideas, and learning from each other, we can create a strong community that drives change and progress in education.
With these words, let us strengthen our collaborative effort in working together for a better tomorrow for the children of our beloved Fiji. Let us re-affirm our commitment to excellence, equity, and empowerment in and for quality education. Hence, I now declare the 94th FTU Annual Conference open.
Vinaka Vakalevu, Dhanyavaad and Thank you.