
Mr Jolyon Collier- President & Founder Counting Coral
General Manager, Vomo Island Resort, Mr. Justin King
Tourism Fiji, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Brent Hill
Ms Brooke Hodgson- Executive Director Counting Coral
Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is with great honour and privilege that I stand before you today to introduce a remarkable alliance that seamlessly merges art, conservation, and sustainable tourism.

This collaboration between Counting Coral and Tourism Fiji not only highlights the captivating charm of Fiji but also underscores our commitment to safeguarding our marine treasures for the prosperity of future generations.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am not a marine biologist or conservationist, but there are two things that I know are clear.

One, we will continue to receive more visitors. More visitors mean more pressure on our natural environment.

Two, we will continue to feel the impacts of climate change. As you we just experienced over the last few days.

Our oceans, the lifeblood of our planet, are under immense threat due to climate change, pollution, and human activity. Fiji’s coral reefs, which we are renowned for, stand as one of the most vulnerable ecosystems.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
We have just concluded consultations on a 10-Year National Sustainable Tourism Framework. One of the four main goals that forms the basis of the Framework is “Health islands and oceans” where Tourism accelerates climate action, protects our ecosystem, and supports resilience.

What we are seeing today is very much how tourism can be a demonstration case for other sectors to mainstream environmental considerations.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Counting Coral envisions a world where coral reefs are not just surviving but thriving. They imagine a world where these underwater ecosystems are teeming with life and bursting with colour. We share this hope.

Amazingly, this mission goes beyond the boundaries of mere preservation; it encompasses restoration and rejuvenation. They have created what they call sculptural coral gene banks, which are essentially living works of art. I’ll admit, this I had to google.

I am told these structures provide a safe haven for coral fragments, nurturing them until they are strong enough to be reintegrated into the reef.

So, this vision is not just about conservation, but about regeneration and renewal.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
In 2022, Counting Coral reached a significant milestone. They installed their first sculptural coral gene bank at the Blue Lagoon Beach Resort on Nacula Island. But these gene banks are not just static structures.

They are dynamic, living entities that provide a nurturing environment for coral fragments. Each fragment housed in these banks holds the potential for renewal.

Here, on Vomo Island, they have embarked on an ambitious project and planted 500 corals, each one a tiny guardian of our marine ecosystem.
Imagine snorkelling alongside these sculptural coral banks, the graceful dance of fish and polyps around these structures.

These are not just unforgettable experiences, they are transformative. They change the way we see the world, the way we understand our place in it.

The Vomo Project is more than just a scientific endeavour. It is a commitment to coral conservation. By planting these corals, you are enhancing the resilience of our reefs.

You are ensuring that it can withstand the challenges posed by climate change, pollution, and human impact. But your commitment goes beyond the blue waters of our oceans. It touches the very heart of tourism.
We believe that tourism should not just be about enjoying nature’s beauty, but about preserving it for future generations.

Our partner in this endeavour, Tourism Fiji, shares our belief that sustainable tourism is not just an option, it is a responsibility.
By supporting initiatives like Counting Coral’s sculptural gene banks, we are helping to raise awareness on the importance of coral reef conservation. Visitors to Fiji now have the opportunity to interact with these living works of art – but carefully.

They can see firsthand the beauty of our marine ecosystems and the importance of preserving them.

Legacy for Future Generations:
This collaboration is more than just a project. It is our legacy.
It is our promise to future generations that they will inherit a world where coral reefs are flourishing. As we plant each coral, we are planting the seeds of a sustainable future.

We are making a promise that is carved in coral, a promise of resilience and renewal.

As we conclude, let us celebrate the fusion of art, science, and tourism.
Together, we are charting a course through uncharted waters. We are guided by our passion for the natural world and our respect for its resilience.

As the sun sets on the horizon, we look forward to a future where our coral reefs continue to thrive, resilient and robust.

Vinaka vakalevu and thank you!