
Chairman Mr. Mohammed Gani & Board Members, Consumer Council of Fiji,
Chief Executive Officer, Fiji Development Bank, Saud Minam,
Esteemed Students and Panel
Distinguished Guests,
Members of the media
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Bula Vinaka and Good Morning
On behalf of the Fiji Government and the Honorable Deputy Prime Minister, I am delighted to be present here to celebrate World Consumer Rights Day 2024.
As we mark World Consumer Rights Day, we are reminded of the critical role we all play in shaping a fair and just marketplace - this includes an environment where consumers can reap the benefits of new technologies like AI - whilst doing it in complete safety.

WCRD Theme - Fair and Responsible AI for Consumers
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This year's theme, "Fair and Responsible AI for Consumers," beckons us to explore the vast potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
This year’s theme is a call to action, urging us to harness the power of AI, to uplift, protect, and empower consumers, in an ever-evolving digital landscape.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The evolution of AI technologies has bestowed upon us a myriad of opportunities to revolutionise aspects of our society. From personalised digital assistants to algo-rithm based decision-making processes, AI has permeated every facet of our lives, offering unparalleled convenience and efficiency.
As articulated by the Hon. Deputy Prime Minister, the Ministry is in the process of formulating a National Digital Strategy that will move Fiji towards a digital economy. Within this National Strategy lies a vision of leveraging AI to propel our nation forward.
AI for Greater Good
We believe that AI could be a force for positive change, progress and greater wellbeing for humanity.
In healthcare, for example, AI serves as a beacon of hope, offering innovative solutions to complex medical challenges. Countries like Japan have harnessed AI to revolutionise diagnosis, treatment, and patient care.
AI-driven technologies enable early disease detection, improving treatment, and saving countless lives. It is imperative for Fiji to embrace AI to transform healthcare delivery for the betterment of all Fijians.
Same transformation could be seen in how we devise, deliver and consume education - to ensure our future generations are future-proof. Highly complex tasks such as copious calculations, mathematical (statistical) analysis and coding will be achieved in a blink-of-an-eye, thus, our students will be required to focus on more cognitive tasks, problem solving and seeing the bigger picture.
Furthermore, the advent of AI has sparked the emergence of new service industries in traditional areas like health, education and fintech, ushering in a wave of economic growth and job creation. AI-driven automation and data analytics have the potential to optimise processes, enhance productivity.
In essence, AI has unlocked new business opportunities across various sectors. Whether it be in finance, transportation, or hospitality, AI-enabled services promise to enrich consumer experiences (and convenience), drive innovation, and stimulate economic growth.
Dark-Side of AI
Ladies and Gentlemen,
However, amidst the promise of AI-driven advancements, we must remain vigilant in ensuring that these technologies are developed and deployed responsibly, with due consideration for ethical principles and consumer rights.
The unchecked proliferation of AI risks exacerbating inequalities and perpetuating biases and harm, particularly in vulnerable populations. Therefore, it is imperative that we uphold the principles of fairness, control, and accountability in the development and deployment of AI technologies and have the right laws to govern them.
AI is also utilised by scammers to enhance their deceptive tactics such as  using AI to mimic the voices and images of loved ones in distress and other ways of intensifying the sophistication of their scams. A Prime Minister, number Politicians and Celebrities have fallen victim to AI generated “deep-fake” still and audio visual images.
Policy Commitment
Driven by a steadfast commitment to safeguarding consumer rights and fostering responsible innovation, the Fiji Government has taken decisive action to confront the scourge of online scams.
This has led to the establishment of a Multi-Agency Anti-Scam Taskforce, a testament to Fiji's proactive policy stance in combating a spectrum of fraudulent activities plaguing our digital landscape.
Furthermore, the Fiji Government is committed towards focusing on policies and laws that will foster an enabling environment, which safeguards consumers and promotes responsible innovation within the digital sphere. These include as previously mentioned the National Digital Strategy. This is not the only initiative, other complementing initiatives include:
The finalisation Fiji’s Cyber-Security Strategy;
-Compilation of Fiji’s accession to the Budapest Convention;
-The establishment of 24 by 7 Network - to provide immediate assistance to investigate computer related crimes
-The establishment of Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT); within the Ministry; and
-Finalising Fiji’s first E-Commerce Strategy.
Through the above initiatives, harnessing the transformative power of AI for the collective benefit of Fijians would be in reach. This would require strategic partnerships with industry stakeholders, civil society, and consumer organisations.
This commitment underscores our resolve to ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed in a manner that upholds the principles of fairness, transparency, and accountability, thereby safeguarding the interests of consumers and advancing the well-being of our nation.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
As we reflect on World Consumer Rights Day, let us reaffirm our shared commitment to building a future where every consumer is empowered, informed, and protected.
Let us embrace the transformative potential of AI technologies as catalysts for progress, prosperity, and social good. Together, let us pave the way towards a brighter future, where AI serves as a force for positive change in our nation and society.
In closing, I extend my deepest gratitude to all (esp Consumer Council) for the support and dedication to advancing consumer rights and responsibilities. Together, let us embark on this journey of innovation and inclusion, guided by the principles of fairness, accountability, and inclusivity.
Vinaka Vakalevu and Thank you.