Small Scale Farmers Hail 2022/2023 Budget

Small Scale Farmers Hail 2022/2023 Budget

Sugarcane farmers in the Western division hails recent announcement of the national budget, highlighting that initiatives announced would as­sist them in many ways.

Kadavu Farmer Took a Leap of Faith Into Livestock Farming

Kadavu Farmer Took a Leap of Faith Into Livestock Farming

For Taniela Kama, pulling away from the usual yaqona and dalo farming on the island of Kadavu was a decision he knew came with a lot of risks, but also a lot of profit.

Borrowing Protected Families and Businesses- PM

Borrowing Protected Families and Businesses- PM

The Government borrowed so that families could put food on the table and businesses did not have to shut down forever.

New American Commitment Would Be of Great Benefit to Macuata

New American Commitment Would Be of Great Benefit to Macuata

Prime Minister Voreqe Bainima­rama believes the new American engagement with Fiji would be of great benefit to the Macuata Prov­ince.

PM Bainimarama Speaks On Development at Naitasiri Provincial Council Meeting

PM Bainimarama Speaks On Development at Naitasiri Provincial Council Meeting

We have invested more than $105.5 million into developing the rural regions of Naitasiri from 2014 until last year - PM Bainimarama.

iTaukei Land Ownership Intact - Cakaudrove Told

iTaukei Land Ownership Intact - Cakaudrove Told

“You don’t have to strain your eyes to see the progress we’ve made here in Cakaudrove. It is all around you.” - PM Bainimarama

Well-deserved Facility for Vendors

Well-deserved Facility for Vendors

Women market vendors from the Nausori Municipal Market are now able to have a proper and comfortable place to rest for the night at the market complex.

Fiji-Australia Ties Have Changed Lives

Fiji-Australia Ties Have Changed Lives

Fiji and Australia have had each other’s back during times of disasters and have changed lives.

State of the Art Heart Hospital to Support Children of the Pacific

State of the Art Heart Hospital to Support Children of the Pacific

Lifesaving heart surgery commences on some of our most vulnerable children at the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Children’s Heart Hospital Fiji.

Fiji’s Recovery a Joint Effort: PM

Fiji’s Recovery a Joint Effort: PM

Fiji’s road to recovery was only possible due to joint effort between the Government, the people - with communities, the private sector, with the civil society organisations and the provincial councils.

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