PNG Prime Minister on an Official Visit To Fiji This Week.

PNG Prime Minister on an Official Visit To Fiji This Week.

The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea (PNG) Hon. Mr. James Marape arrived at the Nausori airport this evening for his official visit to our shores.

PM Rabuka Officiates at The 12th World Hindi Conference

PM Rabuka Officiates at The 12th World Hindi Conference

Government Of India Acknowledged for Their Continuous Support In The Various Assistance Rendered Towards The Fiji Government: PM Rabuka

2023 Back-to-School Assistance

2023 Back-to-School Assistance

Coalition Government announces back-to-school assistance of $200 per child to families whose combined income is $50,000 and below.

Eco-Resort Benefits Navunikabi Villagers

Eco-Resort Benefits Navunikabi Villagers

Minister for Commerce, Trade, Transport, and Tourism Faiyaz Koya re-opens Namosi Eco-Retreat in the interior of Namosi Province.

Young Entrepreneur Opens 250k Business

Young Entrepreneur Opens 250k Business

Establishing a freight company with only $200 in 2017 has not been easy for Krishneel Kumar, one of Fiji’s youngest entrepreneurs as the director of CGM Freights. 

Leaf Capital Launches E-Mobility Transportation in Fiji

Leaf Capital Launches E-Mobility Transportation in Fiji

LEAF Capital PTE Fiji takes lead in establishing Fiji's first ever national Electric Vehicle (EV) transport eco-system which is green, releases potentially zero emission and generates more renewable energy. 

Vandalism A Setback for Public Amenities

Vandalism A Setback for Public Amenities

Vandalism has been one of the major setbacks for con­structing amenities like chil­dren’s parks

Early Childhood Centre Launches E-Learning

Early Childhood Centre Launches E-Learning

Kings Kids Learning Centre in Savusavu becomes one of the first to introduce e-learning at kindergarten level in the country.

More than $181m Development for Ba Province

More than $181m Development for Ba Province

The Fijian Government has spent over $181m to develop Ba Province from 2014 to 2021.

Small Scale Farmers Hail 2022/2023 Budget

Small Scale Farmers Hail 2022/2023 Budget

Sugarcane farmers in the Western division hails recent announcement of the national budget, highlighting that initiatives announced would as­sist them in many ways.

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